CMS-Deemed Accreditation
DMEPOS Certification

Board of Certification/Accreditation

CMS-Deemed Accreditation
DMEPOS Certification

OPAF News: OPAF & The First Clinics Updates – Winter 2011

As an OPAF Annual Bronze Sponsor, BOC is pleased to share the release of recent OPAF updates, events, and ongoing work for Adaptive Recreation within the O&P industry.

Winter 2011
OPAF & The First Clinics Updates

  • Scheduled and confirmed 28 First clinics across the country and adding to that number weekly
  • Launched First Dance in March 2011 with over 60 participants in Michigan
  • Received a US Olympic Opportunity Grant for $7500 for First Swing/Learn to Golf clinics with veterans in Iowa.  OPAF was the only group selected for funding with a non-Olympic sport
  • Received a USTA Serves Grant for $10,000 for First Volley Clinics with Shriners Hospitals for Children across the country
  • A New Silver Level Sponsorship for 2011 from Allard USA
  • Three New Bronze Level Sponsorships for 2011, including BOC, Quality Outcomes and the Arbogast Family, which triples the 2010 level
  • Hosting the Thranhardt Golf Classic on March 16 at Reunion Golf
  • Hosting First Bid, Live & Silent Auction on March 17 with
  • Hosting both a First Volley and a First Swing clinic in Orlando on Friday and Saturday
  • Invited participant in the recent Adaptive Sports Summit in Ames, Iowa
  • Launching First Climb (rock climbing) and First Defense (self-defense techniques) in 2011
  • Participated recently in the ISPO United Forum meeting in Costa Rica for adaptive sports and recreation opportunities in Latin America and Haiti
  • Grant funding from USTA North Carolina and USTA Middle States for ongoing First Volley programs in their area
  • New look to the OPAF website with easier navigation to the First Clinics and highlighting our donors
  • Increased the amount awarded for the 2011 Dale Yasukawa Scholarship for a NUPOC student pursuing O & P as their career choice to $1000

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