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DMEPOS Certification

Board of Certification/Accreditation

CMS-Deemed Accreditation
DMEPOS Certification

OPAF News: OPAF Welcomes BOC & Quality Outcomes as 2011 Bronze Level Donors

For Immediate Release

Robin Burton, Executive Director
OPAF & The First Clinics
319-235-4318 phone
319-235-4326 fax


OPAF Welcomes BOC & Quality Outcomes as 2011 Bronze Level Donors

January 18, 2011 – Waterloo, Iowa – OPAF & The First Clinics welcome BOC International and Quality Outcomes as new Bronze Level Sponsors for 2011.  Bronze level sponsors indicate a donation of $2500 or more to the work of OPAF and The First Clinics and the population that we serve with adaptive recreational sports opportunities.

“BOC is pleased to be a supporter of the Orthotic & Prosthetic Assistance Fund, Inc. both in terms of finances and in terms of people,” said Claudia Zacharias, MBA, CAE, President and CEO of BOC. Zacharias noted that even before making this year’s donation, BOC worked with OPAF at a First Swim Clinic at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland. “We were able to lend staff to the clinic, and those who participated found it a rewarding and inspiring experience. We look forward to continuing our support of OPAF and to helping future First Clinics bring athletics back to people who once may have wondered if they could ever enjoy sports again.”

“Quality Outcomes is pleased to support the Orthotic & Prosthetic Assistance Fund, Inc. the official philanthropic organization of O&P, both financially and through volunteer support” said Scott Williamson, MBA, CAE, and President of Quality Outcomes.  “Quality Outcomes strongly believes that the O and P profession needs to be able to demonstrate the hard work and clinical expertise that goes into each success story.  OPAF is the personification of those efforts.”

BOC and Quality Outcomes are joined by continued support from 2011 Bronze Level Sponsors, American Board for Certification (ABC) and the Arbogast Family as well as our Gold standard sponsors, Ohio Willow Wood and Otto Bock Healthcare and our Silver Level sponsor, Allard USA.  Sponsors on the Signature and Patron Level include Tamarack Habilitation Technologies, PEL Supply, Cailor Fleming Insurance and O & P 1, along with Don Hardin, Scott Williamson, CAE and the Burton family.

“All of the OPAF donors, large and small, corporate gifts and individual contributions help us to make a difference the O & P population that we serve.  The First Clinics are affecting lives and bringing participants to a greater activity level.  The socialization of the First Clinics lets them know that they are not alone and can enjoy life to the fullest” said Robin Burton, OPAF Executive Director.

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