The Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC) is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting quality patient care by offering highly valued credentials for professionals and businesses.
What We Offer
Accreditation for Businesses
DME/HME – For suppliers of durable medical equipment/home medical equipment (DME/HME). Health care providers order DME/HME for everyday or extended use. Products may include but are not limited to oxygen equipment, wheelchairs, off-the-shelf orthotics, crutches, hospital beds, and more. Consult the BOC DMEPOS Product Category Guide for specific information. Apply
O&P –For Orthotic and/or Prosthetic (O&P) practices that provide patient care under the scopes of practice of certified orthotists, prosthetists, and orthotic fitters along with other professionals specifically trained in the field. Many O&P facilities specialize in custom-fabricated orthotic and prosthetic care including–but not limited to–custom and prefabricated and off-the-shelf orthoses, limb prostheses; custom and non-custom diabetic shoes and inserts; pneumatic compression devices; and surgical dressings and supplies. Apply
Mastectomy –For suppliers that address mastectomy fitting services, providing patients with external breast prostheses, mastectomy garments, lymphedema garments, as well as other breast care products that address and treat physical asymmetries. Apply
Pharmacy – For suppliers pharmacies who are following best practices in their provision of pharmaceutical services to their community. Apply
Certification for Professionals
Orthotic Fitter (COF) – BOC-certified orthotic fitters are qualified to supervise the selection of appropriate devices and measure, assemble, and apply orthoses. COFs also follow up with patients needing prescribed prefabricated orthoses. Apply
Mastectomy Fitter (CMF) – BOC-certified mastectomy fitters are qualified to measure, fit, dispense, and adjust external breast prostheses, bras, and related supplies. CMFs also follow up with patients needing external breast prostheses and other post-mastectomy services. Apply
DME Specialist (CDME™) – BOC-certified DME specialists are qualified to help with basic repairs, troubleshooting, and home inspections for DME products such as oxygen, transfer systems, and enteral supplies. Apply
BOC continues to provide services and support to BOC-certified orthotists, prosthetists, and pedorthists; we no longer accept new applications for these three sunsetted certification programs.
The BOC Difference
Experienced and Recognized
- 40 years of credentialing experience.
- Authorized/deemed by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
- Recognized by Medicare and other third-party payers as meeting national standards.
- Nationally acclaimed, award-winning customer service.
- Highly respected in the field.
Enduring Values
Doing what you say you will; delivering results for BOC customers; completing your goals.
Being proactive; going the extra mile.
Helping co-workers; supporting one another in delivering for our customers.
Quick and timely responses; friendly tone/demeanor; listening and empathizing.
Embracing diversity in our workplace and extending this value to customers, vendors and stakeholders; fostering a sense of belonging that makes everyone feel valued.
Purpose Driven
BOC assures patients, physicians, professional organizations, the public at large, and government agencies of the competence, professionalism, and safe practice environments of BOC-certified professionals and/or BOC-accredited businesses.