CMS-Deemed Accreditation
DMEPOS Certification

Board of Certification/Accreditation

CMS-Deemed Accreditation
DMEPOS Certification

Exciting News – Instant Certification Testing Results and Year-Round Testing

Wouldn’t you rather take your certification test when you feel ready, not during a brief testing window? Do you wish you didn’t have to wait by the mailbox for your multiple-choice test results?

Starting November 1, 2011, BOC will offer instant scoring for multiple-choice examinations, and BOC will be administering these exams year round.

Practitioners adding additional certifications and new candidates will be able to sign up for an available test time of your choice at the most convenient location. And once you’re finished your examination, you’ll receive your results instantly.

Once your application has been approved, simply log in to and sign up for a test Monday through Friday, and even some Saturdays, at your nearest AMP testing facility.

We are continually looking for ways to make the certification process more convenient for you. If you have any other ideas, contact Jan paul Miller, Director of Certification at

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